Not so much of late

December 23, 2008 at 12:45 am (Uncategorized) ()

There has been less evidence of thinking of late. As in, I’ve not posted anything since we moved to Bristol in October! Does that mean I’ve not been thinking? Or does it mean I’ve been thinking about more useful things? I suspect a little of both…

Well, I’m back now and I hope to post about a good number of interesting things! I have been thinking about work rather more down here since its really rather interesting. I’m studying bacteria – in particular, how we can understand their evolution. I want to spend a little time explaining this for non-experts, sometime over the Christmas period. Stay tuned! Or don’t… 😉

I can summarise my thoughts for the past three months quite easily – I’m happy! Work is going well, I have a paper accepted after a long period of waiting, we have many friends in Bristol and its all jolly good fun. I hope this excuses the lack of posts and promise to begin rectifying this in the new year. I am resolute.

Resolutions… there is a topic for a blog post!

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